Friday, August 28, 2009

"You Had a Bad Day" ~ Daniel Powter

"Where is the moment we needed the most" ~ For me this would have been an awesomely working epidural/lumbar block today that actually took the pain away completely, instead of just numbed it and everything from my belly button down. It was definitely not what my PM wanted it to me, and she doubled it to get some sort of a result because I wasn't responding for the first round....crazy maybe, but I was there might as well try to knock it out. It so didn't knock anything out except me. Even though my legs don't work I must of kicked up the leave and lost the magic there.

"You stand in the line just to hit a new low, you're faking a smile with the coffee you go"
This sounds like I need to discuss the deep depression I fell into, it's apparently part of the RSD thing, I kept meaning to call my Doc, per my sweet friends request, but I forget, because that's another wonderful about RSD, and so I haven't done it yet, but it's in my notes of things to do, if I remember to look at them..I know ARGH!

Today in the hospital I had a nurse grab onto my feet to check my strength, problem is I may not have extreme allodynia but still you don't grab the foot of someone who has RSD, and I told her, and she seemed to not really know what the hell it was. I was too exhausted to explain. I did ask her to be very careful with my left limb, that it hurt with not even much pressure. Then there was all the whispering about RSD, the Nurses asking me what my epidural was suppose to do for RSD. I wish that there would be more training for health care professionals in this area...."So you had a bad day...."

Ever notice the chorus of this song makes it seems like the guys telling her, "Yeah what ever you had a bad day, suck it up, I don't want listen to you carry on about it" I feel like things are like that in my house at times. Not all the time,don't get me wrong, I know my hubs loves me, totally loves me, I just don't think he understands what I'm going through and comparatively to his back and neck pain with his damaged discs he figures if he can cope I should be able to cope to, maybe he doesn't feel that way really, maybe I just think he feels that way, often times we don't really talk about how he feels, We seem to rely to heavily on my empathetic abilities.

I'm not sure what a blue sky holiday is, but as long as it doesn't belong having to make a decision between a sympathectomy and a Spinal Cord Stimulator, yay, I don't want that so much. It seems like there's n good choices for this rotten disease. My head is spinning...
Neurological Associations Four F's Diet
Chiropractic or Acupuncture
Lidocain Infusion
Topical Capsaicin or Fentanyl Patches
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers
Ketamine Infusions
really the SCS and the Sympatheticomy is my last choice.....
My Aunt has an SCS for her arm RSD, it doesn't help her, it has a 50-70% chance of a better quality of life. Sympatheticomy has a 30-40% chance of working...I don't know it scares me.

So I had a bad day..I can't work up a smile..I'm not allowed to go for a drive unless it's only 30 minutes and with this latest med, I really just can't...and so...where is the magic when I need it the most?

I hate RSD. I hate what it has taken from me (My job, My ability to play with my beys, over 20 pairs of cute shoes, the ability to be the Dancing Queen, the ability to wear a pair of jeans, running, walking, a foot that's not so cold and is a normal size and color...the list goes on)
I hate that makes me rely on my 7 year old son to take Care of me, bring me sweet tea and medicines, sometimes even feminine products...ARGH! It's embarrassing, but I say Thanks you, I'm trying not to be just the giver, it may be that I have this to force me to learn the lesson of being a taker...I'm a horrible taker.

So I had back to PM on 9 September for the final round of lumbar blocks...and then referral to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire...

I continue to suffer the set backs of this horrible disease that was proven to me that the Medical Community needs to learn more about....I'm printing flyer's to take with me next time.

Monday, August 17, 2009

'Hello Darkness My Old Friend" ~ Simon & Garfunkel

Depression. Apparently this disease not only robs you of your limbs, and abilities but comes in and steals your joie de vivre, joy of everything, joy of life. I find myself sinking in the deep darkness of depression, I've been here before I know what it looks like, but this time it is because I fail to have a purpose, a reason to leave the rack in the morning. I have lost my joy of living. How joyful can living be when your limb ache from your toes to your hip. How joyful is it to put on the mask to pretend to be happy.
Is it wrong to want people to tell you that you look better, so you can make yourself believe that you are getting better, when you won't not really because there is no cure for your illness, your sickness, your disease....

And then I push everyone away, cloister into my house, cocoon myself in, and I will emerge the beautiful butterfly eventually, the happy go lucky girl I am suppose to be, expected to, the one that stick s with it, and doesn't let anything get her down...but she must wait, it's not her turn yet.

I still struggle to understand what this disease means to the rest of my life.....I'm trying to deal.